Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I have to admit it, I'm scared of creepy crawlys..... especially the eight legged variety.  They really freak me out.  Since we've been in the house I've seen easily 4 or 5 different kinds of spiders eeekk!!!!

My dad was nice enough to buy me some veneno to spray all over the place.  I had postponed it because it's been raining.  Well last night I found an ant search party on my kitchen counter and I had no choice but to open fire on them.  I kinda got a little out of control and started spraying in the basement O.o That was a BIG mistake.  Spiders came out of no where!

I shrieked.

I sprayed.

I ran.

In the morning I checked to see if there were any casualties, all I saw was a few clumps of dark mass.  No I didn't take any pictures, I was too busy watching my back.  I made an executive decision.  I will seek a professional or ask someone to finish off the spray, and by someone I mean my dad or my sister-in-law, because lord knows my brother, although physically a giant is a chicken when it comes to bugs.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Local Rep BS

My local rep is a Republican, his name is Dan Lipinski.  For once I thought I'm going to contact this guy and voice my opinion about two things: 1. Drug Regulation and 2. Immigration

I sent two different notes on his handy dandy, send Lipiniski a message form found on his site.  The first was for drug regulation....I selected I wanted a response.  Minutes later I got a response:

"Dear Friend:

Thank you for contacting me regarding federal restrictions on the use of marijuana. I appreciate hearing your views on this issue.

As you may know, the federal government currently classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, meaning that it currently has no accepted medical use in the United States, is highly addictive, and lacks required safety standards. In recent years, however, many have revisited the controversial subject of legalizing marijuana. Today, a number of states permit the medical use of marijuana, and more states are looking into adopting similar laws. In addition, several pieces of legislation have been introduced in the U.S. Congress seeking to legalize medical marijuana. These bills argue that marijuana use should not be under the jurisdiction of the federal government, and instead should be determined by individual state governments.

I believe we should certainly do more to help those suffering from devastating illnesses such as AIDS and cancer. However, I am reluctant to support the legalization of marijuana without stringent regulations on its distribution and use. Marijuana can be a harmful drug, especially when used by young people, and proper enforcement mechanisms would have to be enacted in any loosening of marijuana laws.

I understand your concerns and appreciate your insights. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future regarding this or any other matter of concern. Additionally, I invite you to visit my website at www.lipinski.house.gov to learn more about my work at home and in Washington as well as to sign up for E-newsletters.


Member of Congress"

In my second note, which described what my family is going through with immigration and all,  I stated that I would like for him to support immigration reform of course has not gotten a response.....Interesting.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cairo in stealth mode

My son is 5 years old and thinks it's hilarious to pop out of places and scare me.  He goes as far as trying to be very ninja like and creeps his way to the right position.

Usually when I'm on my bed checking stuff out on my laptop he'll crawl his way to the edge of the bed, climb onto the bed and will get as close as inches from from my face, all completely "unnoticed" mind you, and "scare" the daylights out of me.  He just rolls over laughing while I pretend to be terrified.

I just had to recreate one of the last times he was stealthy at my parents house. 

Imagine him wearing a bright yellow shirt:

I love my baby!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm a pissed American

Back in the day when I was young and stupid I didn't care about what was going on in the world.  Heck, all I cared about was finishing school and going out with friends on the weekend.  Life changed that though.  Now the more I try to be informed the more I get pissed.   I had this image of the US as this great place where dreams come true and people do the right thing for the sake of justice for all.

Now, I realize that's not the case.  The people who are in power now and make decisions for the whole don't care about doing the right thing.  They only seem to care about the bottom line, not matter the costs no matter the causalities as long as they are on top that is how they vote.  Laws based on fears are unjust laws.  Laws based on ignorance are unjust laws.  How is it that this "great" and "wonderful" country has gotten to this very ugly place where it is more important to kill small business for the sake of large corporations?  How is it that it's ok to attack women and their decisions?  Why is it that lobbyists have more decision making power than the millions of Americans in this country?  What about taking care of "interests" in other countries makes more sense than taking care of our interests at home?  How is it that in this day and age we are still plagued with racism and religious intolerance?

All of this done while hiding behind the US Constitution, our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves and for what?  So that they can have the best of the best in the short time they have on this earth.  Let's face it, no one lives forever, laws are put in place so that the rich stay rich, they die and whomever is affected negatively by their horrible decisions will be left to suffer, well as long as they live life to the fullest who cares right?

The laws in this country are made to keep the lower classes low and the higher class rich.  They are made to keep minority voices quiet.  The more I see this, more crazies I see running for office the more I question how proud I am to be an American.  Dramatic change will come, I don't know if it will be a good thing or not but I do know who will be responsible in either case.  It will fall on those decision makes and the change will come from the majority.  The majority will either cease to exist or we will unite, rise and fight for positive change.  I'm rooting for positive change but at this point, anything can happen.

Monday, June 13, 2011

2012 Election Lumes

First off I'd like to say that I don't side with any particular political group.  I like to look into all candidates first and I vote for who agrees with mostly with me and my views.  This is now especially true because of recent events. 

Some months ago I stared to look up who had declared him or her self as a Presidential runner for 2012 and I looked them over.  I have to say that I was not impressed by many and the only one that had stood out.  His view on immigration, drugs, womens rights etc...were dead on with my own or at least closer than the others.  I remember thinking, damn if this guy wins things would really change around here, but I didn't think for some odd reason that he'd make it so I let it be.

As time went on the Latino vote has become a very hot topic.  The Latino vote as determined the presidency but with this huge hot topic of immigration raging on it's become of significant importance this time around.  Some say that we should not vote for Obama because he's fallen short of his promises on immigration, I agree but what's the alternative?  Sorry, but the alternatives are looking pretty bleak.  Some Republicans want to build up a wall similar to the wall of China between the US and Mexico.  Others are giving a green light to commit crimes against the undocumented, like rape. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm not saying that democrats are any better, ignoring immigration, continuing wars, ignoring drug reform, cutting taxes for the rich, but they don't seem so far off their rockers as these bozos.

Tonight the Republicans will be having their first "official" debate, amongst themselves.  Everyone's invited except for one, Gary Johnson.  There's controversy as to why he's being barred from CNN's hosted debate. Remember that one guy that I mentioned above?  Well that's him and he's a Republican. Apparently he's got a decent track record, he did good when he was Governor of New Mexico and his views align with my own.

My point is this.  Now that election season is lurking I think we should make an effort to think out side the box.  Look at every candidate regardless of party and vote for who we think is the best for us.  The republicans have a long list of wackos with few exceptions, the odds of the kind of republican that is going be on the final ballot does not look good.  I know the democrats are going to bring forward their top contender, my focus will be to make sure that the republican one is not of their majority wacko group.  Let's face it, elections don't always end how we want them.  For me, I'm going to focus on reducing the level of crazy on the Republican ballot, if there's an off chance that a Republican wins the presidency then hopefully we won't be turning the clock back to the 1800's.

Friday, June 10, 2011

What's your race?

Earlier today my son had to register for 1st grade...not very happy about my baby growing up so fast but it had to be done right?  When I filled out his application there were was a survey type of thing that was required by the  the state.  It asked what ethnicity we were, so I checked off Hispanic then it asked our race.  The options went something like, as in not exactly like, this with some descriptions to help:

  • Native American (Some thing to the effect of Native to North, South or Central America indigenous native tribe or member of community)
  • African American (self explanatory)
  • Asian (self explanatory)
  • White (Something to the effect of European decent)
uuuhhhmmmm where the hell does that leave us Mexican-Americans?  My first instinct was to select Native American.  I sure in heck didn't wanna pick "white".  I'm sure if you go far enough into my family tree you'll find a Spaniard....too bad Spain is in Europe...but I got some mixed native blood in me too. Technically I'm Mestizo so what the hell was I supposed to pick?  None of their definitions applied to me......at all.  So you know what I did?  I picked both Native American and White.  Based on their descriptions that's what made sense.  

BTW why do they give a flying monkeys butt what my ancestors were?  I mean how far back do they want me to check?  Asians are Asians, African Americans are African Americans, White is White, Native Americans are Native Americans, why can't they have Brown or Mestizo or something else that would better describe who I am?  At some point your gonna find a Native American who hooked up with a Spaniard and not necessarily willingly.  I've had this conversation with my good old friend Fuzzy (you know who you are Fuzzy) and according to him I should pick White when it comes to census.  My people, regardless of how far back you go, are natives to North America does that mean I should pick Native American? If they want to know my color then they need to add Brown as an option.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Americans & Their Political Choices

Whenever election season comes around, whether it be local, state or federal elections there is this rumbling every where you go.

"What do you think about so-and-so?" "I don't like that he took a picture of his penis." "She's such an air head dontchaknow". "So-and-so talks pretty good" "What about that other guy?"

It goes on and on.  What gets me is that are people who refuse to look and what the politician has done, represents, is against or for.  They vote entirely based on political party.  *confused look* really? *rubbing forehead* seriously? YES

Why the hell do people base their votes on political party?  They are doing an injustice not only to themselves but to other people.  They are giving power to people like Mr. FatHead...ahem...Fattman who gave the green light to rape undocumented women.  Regardless if a women is undocumented or not, she should not fear reporting it to police.  What's worse is that for this particular politician it is more important to crack down on undocumented people than to crack down on criminals that are actually committing violent crimes. huh?  You mean to tell me that it is more important to arrest a person who has not committed a violent crime against anyone than to track down a criminal who has raped someone?  I don't care on what side of the issue you're on, there is something significantly wrong with that.

Political parties should be null and void.  They should not be listed on the ballot and people should be encouraged to actually do their homework before the vote someone into power.  One would think that made sense....I'm sure there is someone out there who will beg to differ.  People it's ok to vote for someone that you agree with...really it is.  

Monday, June 6, 2011

Yay For Illinois!!

June 1st marked a very important day in history for Illinois and gay couples in the state.  Illinois passed a law that allowed for civil unions.  I'm not gonna lie, when I heard this on the news I thought to myself "Don't we already have Civil Unions in IL?"  As in Union Local Number blah, type of union. LOL yeah it took me a while to figure it out, in my defense I had just woken up, I was very sleepy and very excited I beat my son to the TV, usually he wins and it's all about Arthur, Martha and George.

Congrats IL for standing up and doing the right thing.  I'm not gay but I've always been for civil unions.  The idea that it's a threat to marriages is load of donkey poo.  Many gay couples have since been unionized and I doubt there is a single straight marriage that is in jeopardy as a result.  It's very good to see a positive thing in the middle of a very rocky time.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

War on Drugs = MEGA FAIL

So last week the Global Commission on Drug Policy  published their report on the "War on Drugs" that's been going on for the past, what? 50 years?  It's been getting a lot of attention in case you haven't noticed.  I've been reading up on all the hub bub and there are tons and tons of people, including several current leaders who disagree with the report.  I read the report and this is my .02 on the subject.

  • In the last 4 years there have easily been well over *40,000 deaths and disappearances* in Mexico, ever since Mr. Presidente decided he was going clean up the dirt in the Mother land.  Not to mention all the other casualties in the rest of world related to drug lords removing threats or collecting debt or settling scores, drug over doses, deaths resulting in low quality drugs etc... 
  • Drug use in America is rampant and it's not *EVER* going away.  Roughly out of our lovely population of 300 Million there are *20 Million regular drug users in the US*.
  • Recreational drugs are a multi-billion dollar business that is not getting taxed.
  • Anyone, including *children* have access to these drugs.  Reality is that drug dealers don't care who they sell to as long as they get paid.
  • Our prison systems are saturated with thousands of none violent drug offenders, which is costing taxpayers *millions* every year.
I don't know about you but it looks like drugs is winning the war and the rest of us are getting the short end of the stick.  If recreational drugs were regulated, like alcohol is regulated, there should be a mass shift to what is   going on not only in our neighborhoods but all over the world.  Regulation would mean:
  • Drug cartels would lose their power and in turn the violence all over the world and in our streets would end.
  • The government would be generating a new revenue from the tax paid on recreational drugs.
  • Recreational drugs would *not* be readily accessible to children because age limits would be in place as they are for alcohol.
  • Regulation would mean that the processing of these drugs would be supervised and deaths resulting from over dose or contamination would be greatly reduced.
  • Money saved from supporting none violent drug offenders can be used to support drug rehab programs that work.
Maybe it's just me but it looks like the pros out weigh the cons.  Now I've read all the comments made by people are against regulation...here are some:
  1. "Drugs will be even more accessible to teens" - uh no, they'll have less access because then they'll be carded before they can puff puff give, if anything we'll have a bunch of pissed teens on our hands.
  2. "Everyone is gong to run out and we'll have a bunch of high people causing havoc" -  really?  Are you saying that if drugs were legal you'd go get high then try to break into someones house?  I didn't think so.
  3. "It just won't work" - There are many countries that have similar systems in place and they are doing well, read the report that's what it's there for.
  4. "Drugs will be uncontrollable" - Regulation would mean that they will be controlled, right now the government obviously has no control over drugs or they would have won the war a long time ago!
What boggles my mind is why are the "formers" all about speaking the truth about the silliness but the currents are ignoring the reality of what is going on?  Why are current leaders even willing to talk about the issue??  I mean really, current policy obviously hasn't been working and quite frankly the deaths and destroyed lives are not worth it in my opinion. This needs a totally different approach.

I say legalize, regulate and set up some free re-hab.