Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Stuffed Jalapeños...oh my

Not too long ago I went to a birthday party and the hosts cousin brought stuffed jalapeños. Gordos's cousin came over to where I was sitting with other family wives and handed a plate over with these ginormous jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon. I'll be honest I really didn't think I was going to like them, I'm not a fan of cream cheese filled peppers, but these suckers looked so good with that crispy bacon snugly hugging them that I could not refuse. I was amazed at how good they were, I mean the pepper was tender and cheese was soft and gooey and the bacon...oh the bacon just brought it all home! My only regret that day was to not have piled on a plate of those jalapeños and taken some home! I decided I'd take a crack at making them myself.

You start out with your basic 3 ingredients: cream cheese, bacon and jalapeños:

Cut open the jalapeños, clean out the seeds:

 It's about a tablespoon of cream cheese per pepper. Oh and please oh PLEASE wear some gloves if you're gonna try this. I made the mistake of not wearing any and OMG did my hands burn for hours...no kidding!!

Put the haves together and wrap some bacon around them:

Stick them in the oven at 350 degrees and wait for the bacon to crisp and the peppers to get soft:

They are ready to be eaten! My husband really liked these. I had never eaten jalapeños like this before. I would like to make them again soon....but I need to make sure I have gloves this time!!

Conchas Mexicanas

 Some time ago Gordo had a taste for pan dulce, conchas to be specific. We headed out to our local panaderia to get some and he was content....but then this image of conchas I had seen online had popped into my head. It was fuzzy at first but then yes, it all became clear...I remembered Leslie made conchas with Girlchef and I decided that I should give making conchas a try. I decided to use Girlchefs recipe for conchas first, depending on how my skills work out with these then I'll try Leslies They turned out pretty good, I must say.

I started with mixing the dough. At first it looked pretty crappy:

But then it looked pretty when I set up for the first rise:

The sugar topping came out nice. I didn't want to jinx myself so I left it all in one color:

Assembly was not so bad. I actually like doing it:

They were beautiful when they came out of the oven:

I will be trying to make these again. I really want to make them in a rainbow of colors :D

Friday, May 11, 2012

Abortion - I just have to talk about it

I know this is a hot topic and there are tons of views on both sides of this highly controversial issue. I just feel like I need to say something on the topic. I have to admit, I considered having an abortion at one time in my life. I was still an undergrad getting my degree, Jose and I had just started our lives together and we were not at all ready to be parents, not emotionally or financially. I didn't have insurance at the time. Planned Parenthood was my life saver for check ups and birth control. I had made an appointment to get my prescription and as always they had me take a pregnancy test before they gave me the prescription. To my surprise it came out positive. I couldn't believe it, I had just had my period several weeks before. When I got home and told Jose he was in shock too. We talked about our options, we were not ready to bring a child into this world and since it was so early, and truthfully we ignorant to how developed the fetus was, we thought it would be best to have an abortion. I made the appointment to see a Dr. at Planned Parenthood. I remember being scared, I had never thought I would find myself in the position to make such a decision. I had always thought I would never give up a pregnancy. Before given the pill that would cause me to expel the tiny cells growing in my body I had an ultra sound done,  it was required. To my surprise, and relief, my uterus was empty, no cells were growing inside me. As it turned out the period I had experienced weeks ago was a miscarriage.

It wasn't until years later I became pregnant again, this time I was out of school. We were still not 100% financially stable but were much better off than before. I did not think, at all, to give up this pregnancy. When I went for the first ultrasound, which happened, at least a week or two after testing positive I was extatic to hear the little heart beat beating away strong. Hearing that heart beat for the first time and seeing my child on the monitor made me reflect on that decision I had made years ago. Even though I had not gone through the process I became disappointed with myself of what I was willing to do and I promised to never, ever consider making that same decision again.

The fact that I was able to prevent getting pregnant for several years by using birth control provided to me, for free, through Planned Parenthood made me see there is no reason why so many women have abortions or why other women can not prevent unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood helps many women get the care they need. They help women prevent pregnancies they can not afford to have or want and get the care they need.

Even though I feel this way about myself I am very strongly Pro-CHOICE. I may not ever consider having an abortion in the future but I have no right to force my choice on to others. By no means do I agree with the perpetual abortionist. Those women who have an abortion every year, maybe more than once a year. And if the mothers life is in danger or if there is something reasonably wrong with the fetus (i.e. it is a mass that will not survive after birth), then the mother has a right to choose. For the record, I've never been raped. Nor do I wish to experience it but I would like to think that if I resulted in being pregnant after a rape, I would hope to be able to emotionally overcome the trauma and recognize that child as a part of me BUT I do not know how I would feel in that instance and I should be allowed to choose for myself on what should be done.

The fact that some politicians feel that girls and women should ‘Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation’ if they are raped is just mind boggling. How can a man who has never been raped and will probably never be raped understand a woman who has? Wasting tax payer money for arguments on whether or not employers should cover birth control in their health insurance and not even have a single woman on the panel to discuss it just shows that the men in our government, specifically the GOP, have very little consideration for women's needs and rights. They have have passed bills in states to de-fund Planned Parenthood making it even harder for women, who otherwise have no other options, to get the care they need. What the bloody hell is going on with this country? Who the hell decided women can not make decisions for themselves about their bodies? What kills me, it's not only men but women in politics who are in favor of all of this. WTF? Did they lose their uterus's when they took office?

What we need is to have a better sexual education program. One that works at informing our young people (both boys and girls) about the consequences and responsibilities that come with having sex. One that deters women from using abortion as a birth control method. One that get's birth control to sexually active women of every social/economical class who need it and educates them on the uses and how to be responsible with their own bodies. The thing is, these programs exist and maybe instead of de-funding groups like Planned Parenthood, the government should work with them and other groups to improve these programs to reach and educate more people. If people were more educated on their sexual health and had access to birth control there would be no abortion debate/controversy. If politicians and the people who back them continue to think the way they do now, it will never end. Ignorance is not the way to resolved our societies issues, neither is restricting the lives of others.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Gordos Birthday

For the first time ever we celebrated Jose's birthday. He's not big on doing that, hence the lack of celebrations. This time around, considering everything he'd gone through the past year, we decided to at least have family over. His brother, sister and cousin with their families came over and my family did too. We had an awesome time. Jose's brother-in-law (Jose's sisters husband) made chicharones, which were OMG good. I made some frijoles a la charra, Jose's sister made rice and we had some aguas frescas. The food was good.

We, of course, also had some desert. I made my Gordo a cake. I had been contemplating on what kind of cake I should make for him. All kinds of images came to mind, jailbird cake (yeah I know it's not funny but that's what came to my sarcastic mind), construction cake...but then it hit me..."I know! I'll make him a pool table cake!" He's really good and playing pool. I found out the hard way several years ago :) Well here is it. Not to toot my own horn but I'm kinda surprised at how well it turned out.

I made a cream cheese filling, it was really good. I don't like using frosting as a filing. I like using cream cheese or strawberry jelly or something else.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm going to be an Auntie!!

About a week or so ago I called by sister-in-law (my brothers wife), I don't remember why I called her but our conversation went something like this:

MeL Hey!
SIL: What are you doing after work today?
Me: umm....I was thinking of stopping by mom and dads for a bit. Why?
SIL: So you are going?
Me: Yeeaa I think so.
SIL: You are sure you are going?
Me: Yea, why?
SIL: Ok we're gonna be there too. *click*

She sounded kinda weird and the whole conversation was weird so of course I called Jose:

Jose: Jello!
Me: Gordo, I just talked to Ester and she sounded funny.
Jose: Ok
Me: No, really *explained the conversation I just had with her*
Jose: hhmmmm that does sound suspicious, maybe she's up to something?
Me: This is what I'm saying!
Jose: Well I'm calling Chris *my brother* so he can pick up Cairo, it's raining.
Me: ok, bye
Jose: bye

Five minutes later *riiiing*

Me: Gordo?
Jose: I just talked to Chris, he's picking up Cairo
Me: Did he say anything?
Jose: Nothing, but he did say they didn't have car seats for the monkies *the kids my SIL babysits* and that we're meeting at your moms.
Me: hmmm ok

*BEEP - my SIL on the other line*

Me: I gotta go it's her!
Jose: ok bye


Me: Hello?
SIL:  Hey, I have to tell you something.
Me: ok, what's up?
SIL: I'm pregnant
Me: What?!?!
SIL: yeah I went to the Dr. and I took a test, it came out positive

*pause - replaying what Jose said about the car seats, she wouldn't take them without car seats*

Me: I don't believe you...you're messing with me
SIL: I'm serious, I took a test!

She's crying the whole time and then it sinks in...

Me: OMG!! How? I mean I know how but why? I mean GREAT!! but how?

She started explaining how she hadn't been feeling well and she left the kids with my brother while she went to the clinic for an hour to take the test. It came out positive and she was planning on telling us at my parents house but since my brother was going to see Jose, he wasn't going to be able to hold back so she decided to call back.

Before I get yelled at for sounding like a total 'B' on the phone I have to explain. My SIL had lost a precious baby over 4 years ago, my niece only lived for 2 weeks before she passed. My SIL had developed preclampsia which made her go into an emergency 'C' at 5 months. It was a very difficult time for all of us but especially my SIL and brother. Shortly after that she was told it was a total fluke she got pregnant in the first place and she had a 1% chance of ever getting pregnant again. I totally apologized for not believing her and of course I am eternally happy for them both, in fact I hope they have twins but I am so looking forward to being an Auntie!!! I can't wait for Cairo to have a cousin from my side of the family! (It's just my brother and myself) I'm super excited and can't wait to meet my little niece or nephew!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The broken heal

So back in late November my aunt came out from Mexico, she tagged along with my mom and she spent a good two weeks here. We had lots of fun going all over the damn place. We walked around downtown Chicago, went to the ChristKindleMarket, checked out the Art Institute of Chicago and shopped till we dropped. She even went with me to see Jose.

About a week into the fun fest tragedy struck. It was a Sunday night, I remember it so clearly...we were all at moms house. Just after 7pm, and I know this because Once Upon a Time had just started and Ester and I were in the living room watching. Chris and my aunt had gone to the back yard when we heard it. The thump, thump, thump that sounded far but close along with some yelling. Ester and I shot up and ran to the back of the house to the kitchen where we ran into Cairo who was running into the house. He said "She fell, she hit herself!" So I ran out the back door and there she was on the ground, it was mom.  I jumped down the stairs and called for Chris.  She couldn't get up and the ambulance was on it's way. She had fallen from the top stair down 7 steps to the cement at the bottom. She managed to flip in the process, hitting her back on the stairs and landing face forward on the cement. Of course the only one to witness this was Cairo.

After being at the E.R. all night, several doctor appointments, x-rays, CT scans and the such, the prognosis was a broken heal bone. Thank God the woman likes to eat cheese and yogurt!  My biggest concern was she'd have a broken back or hip. Considering she's in her 60's and took quite a fall she came out of it with one broken bone. I've seen others her age with broken ankles from just stepping the wrong way and twisting their foot. She was on a cast for a month and just now she's starting to put pressure on her foot.

Thankfully my aunt was around when it first happened.  She helped take care of mom. After she left my sister-in-law and I juggled helping her out. My dad finally stepped in after he got annoyed having us over all the time. Now that she's started taking baby steps, I've warned her.  She's not allowed to attempt flying any more.  She said she will leave that for the birds.