Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm going to be an Auntie!!

About a week or so ago I called by sister-in-law (my brothers wife), I don't remember why I called her but our conversation went something like this:

MeL Hey!
SIL: What are you doing after work today?
Me: umm....I was thinking of stopping by mom and dads for a bit. Why?
SIL: So you are going?
Me: Yeeaa I think so.
SIL: You are sure you are going?
Me: Yea, why?
SIL: Ok we're gonna be there too. *click*

She sounded kinda weird and the whole conversation was weird so of course I called Jose:

Jose: Jello!
Me: Gordo, I just talked to Ester and she sounded funny.
Jose: Ok
Me: No, really *explained the conversation I just had with her*
Jose: hhmmmm that does sound suspicious, maybe she's up to something?
Me: This is what I'm saying!
Jose: Well I'm calling Chris *my brother* so he can pick up Cairo, it's raining.
Me: ok, bye
Jose: bye

Five minutes later *riiiing*

Me: Gordo?
Jose: I just talked to Chris, he's picking up Cairo
Me: Did he say anything?
Jose: Nothing, but he did say they didn't have car seats for the monkies *the kids my SIL babysits* and that we're meeting at your moms.
Me: hmmm ok

*BEEP - my SIL on the other line*

Me: I gotta go it's her!
Jose: ok bye


Me: Hello?
SIL:  Hey, I have to tell you something.
Me: ok, what's up?
SIL: I'm pregnant
Me: What?!?!
SIL: yeah I went to the Dr. and I took a test, it came out positive

*pause - replaying what Jose said about the car seats, she wouldn't take them without car seats*

Me: I don't believe're messing with me
SIL: I'm serious, I took a test!

She's crying the whole time and then it sinks in...

Me: OMG!! How? I mean I know how but why? I mean GREAT!! but how?

She started explaining how she hadn't been feeling well and she left the kids with my brother while she went to the clinic for an hour to take the test. It came out positive and she was planning on telling us at my parents house but since my brother was going to see Jose, he wasn't going to be able to hold back so she decided to call back.

Before I get yelled at for sounding like a total 'B' on the phone I have to explain. My SIL had lost a precious baby over 4 years ago, my niece only lived for 2 weeks before she passed. My SIL had developed preclampsia which made her go into an emergency 'C' at 5 months. It was a very difficult time for all of us but especially my SIL and brother. Shortly after that she was told it was a total fluke she got pregnant in the first place and she had a 1% chance of ever getting pregnant again. I totally apologized for not believing her and of course I am eternally happy for them both, in fact I hope they have twins but I am so looking forward to being an Auntie!!! I can't wait for Cairo to have a cousin from my side of the family! (It's just my brother and myself) I'm super excited and can't wait to meet my little niece or nephew!!!

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