Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am a job creator

For a while now every one in the media or in the GOP have been referring to the job creators and how much they need tax breaks.  They are referring to the big corporations who apparently need more incentives to keep their businesses in the U.S. to "create jobs" for Americans.  The thing is that these "job creators" have been having tax breaks for many years now and even though some of these companies are claiming major profits like Bank of America there aren't many jobs being created and more people are in fact being laid off.  Here's an example of what I mean. 

If I had extra cash to spare, I'd buy Dunkin Donuts coffee every single day.  If I had extra cash to spare we'd eat out at least once a week, pizza nights or something.  I had extra cash I'd update my house by in updating the kitchen, the main bathroom, the half bath downstairs, I'd build a family room in the basement after installing a sump pump and having the gutters taken out of the drain, I'd furnish the new family room with a nice flat screen T.V. and furniture.  If I had extra cash I'd take my family on a vacation every year, we'd go camping twice a year.  If I had extra cash I'd buy healthier food from Whole Foods.  If I had extra cash I'd buy my son cloths that fit right and buy new ones as he out grows them.  If I had extra cash I'd upgrade my car to a more gas efficient one.  If I had extra cash I'd buy every one in my family Christmas presents every year, nice ones at that.  I think I alone would keep several people employed and quite possibly cause for a few others to get jobs.  The more I think about what I'd do if I had extra cash in hand the more I think that the GOP and the media has got it all wrong.  We are the job creators, the average people living average lives.  If we had more money to spend, the more stability companies would have and the more employees they would need to meet the demand made by us the consumers. Why doesn't the GOP see that?

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