Tuesday, June 18, 2013

LOL yoda and tentacles

I just have to share a couple of interesting conversations I've had with my, now, 7 almost 8 year old son.

We were in my bedroom, I was folding laundry and he came in asking about our ipad. I asked him where is say it last. He responded by saying "I saw it last on that thing, by the bears, pictures and yoda." I jerked my head up at what he said and asked "yoda?". I looked at where he was pointing and saw he was pointing to my dresser where two teddy bears sat, next to a frame with a couple of pictures and a statue of Buddha.

Late one night, I was watching Bizzare Foods and my son sat next to me as Andrew was about to take a bite out of a BLT (Bacon, Lettuce and Testicles). So I groaned "testicles?" and Cairo repeated "testicles?". I asked him, "Do you know what testicles are?" and he kinda thought about it for a second and say "oh yea, they are octopuses arms." I never laughed so hard in my life! I gave him a hug, kiss and told him I loved him. I of course explained the difference between testicles and tentacles at which point he covered himself up and asked "eww who would eat porrongas?!?!" "Porrongas" is the term grandpa has used to refer to man parts and it just stuck.

I really do love my little monkey boy. I don't know what my life would be like without him and I don't care to know.

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