Friday, June 10, 2011

What's your race?

Earlier today my son had to register for 1st grade...not very happy about my baby growing up so fast but it had to be done right?  When I filled out his application there were was a survey type of thing that was required by the  the state.  It asked what ethnicity we were, so I checked off Hispanic then it asked our race.  The options went something like, as in not exactly like, this with some descriptions to help:

  • Native American (Some thing to the effect of Native to North, South or Central America indigenous native tribe or member of community)
  • African American (self explanatory)
  • Asian (self explanatory)
  • White (Something to the effect of European decent)
uuuhhhmmmm where the hell does that leave us Mexican-Americans?  My first instinct was to select Native American.  I sure in heck didn't wanna pick "white".  I'm sure if you go far enough into my family tree you'll find a Spaniard....too bad Spain is in Europe...but I got some mixed native blood in me too. Technically I'm Mestizo so what the hell was I supposed to pick?  None of their definitions applied to all.  So you know what I did?  I picked both Native American and White.  Based on their descriptions that's what made sense.  

BTW why do they give a flying monkeys butt what my ancestors were?  I mean how far back do they want me to check?  Asians are Asians, African Americans are African Americans, White is White, Native Americans are Native Americans, why can't they have Brown or Mestizo or something else that would better describe who I am?  At some point your gonna find a Native American who hooked up with a Spaniard and not necessarily willingly.  I've had this conversation with my good old friend Fuzzy (you know who you are Fuzzy) and according to him I should pick White when it comes to census.  My people, regardless of how far back you go, are natives to North America does that mean I should pick Native American? If they want to know my color then they need to add Brown as an option.

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